One of the biggest single issues with effective roof inspections is the ability to get up there on the roof and see for yourself before being able to properly diagnose a problem. 

Up until now roofing contactor’s have always struggled with this and it’s always required ladders, men on the job, scaffolding and even cherry pickers.  But here at Roofspec SW we’ve solved this problem and we’ve gone high-tech to do it.

Our Plymouth based, roof inspection team now operates a fully insured and licensed drone service which gives us the most accurate and effective view of any roofing problem. Doing it this way means that there’s no need to get the ladders out and scramble across your roof to really find out what’s going on. 

Our experienced operator now simply sends the equipment up above the roof, hones in on the problem area and send the relevant imagery back down to the operator in a recorded format that allows the roofing team and the customer to see exactly what’s happening and where the problems really are. 

The reason this is so hugely important is that Roofspec SW are now able to quote much more effectively, get the right equipment, the right team and the right materials, saving time and money on every roofing job. Our drone service removes the guesswork that the roofing industry has struggled with for years.     

The Roofspec drone team handle commercial as well as domestic inspections and are a perfect way to pinpoint a problem quickly, accurately and effectively. The other main advantage is that we’re able to get to a job much sooner than standard inspections. The speed at which our drone service can operate is beneficial on so many levels for the customer. The mainly advantage is that the quicker the issue is diagnosed, the quicker it can be fixed and in the roofing industry that can make the difference between minimal, repairable damage and complete, expensive disaster.  

The pricing of our drone inspection service varies dependent on the size of the roof which dictates the amount time required to complete the job. But whatever way you look at it, it’s cheaper and more effective than the alternative. Once finished, a full report can be issued which includes the all-important video footage, which in many cases is essential for discussions and negotiations with insurance companies. 

So, if you’re based in Plymouth or the wider Devon and Cornwall area and you either have a roofing problem or want the reassurance of a roofing ‘check up’, then get in contact with us at Roofspec SW on 01752 914217 and remember, when we say that ‘the proof is in the roof’ that includes up to date, modern, high-tech drone inspections too.

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